Our second YouTube video to surpass one thousand views was our Training Your Parrot: Handling Macaw Beaks video produced in High Definition, featuring two of our macaws, our male Blue and Gold macaw Aboo, and our Hyacinth macaw Princess Tara:
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Our First Thousand Views YouTube Videos
Our second YouTube video to surpass one thousand views was our Training Your Parrot: Handling Macaw Beaks video produced in High Definition, featuring two of our macaws, our male Blue and Gold macaw Aboo, and our Hyacinth macaw Princess Tara:
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Training Your Parrot to Play With Cheap Toys
To make it easy to view the original Training Your Parrot to Play With Cheap Toys YouTube video, we've added it here. Training Your Parrot to Play With Cheap Toys: Bottle Caps:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Our Flock: Our Timneh African Grey Parrot Tillie: Just Hanging Out
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Our Flock: Our Goffin's Cockatoo Kid Kadra Checks Out the Hot Tub
Some hot tubs just suck!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Our Flock: Our Goffin's Cockatoo: Kid Kadra: Acrobat and Showoff!

Kid Kadra showing off for our Greenwing Macaw and Diva parrot Roxanne!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Training Your Parrot To Fly In Place
Just as an aside, our Goffin's Cockatoo Kid Kadra learned this technique simply from watching Princess Tara in action! Endorsed by the International Parrot Wranglers Association and the Parrot Wranglers Academy.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Training Your Parrot: Basic Parrot Yoga
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Now For A Word From Our Sponsor
Our spokesparrot and Timneh African Grey Tillie wants to say a few words on behalf of our sponsor, The International Parrot Wranglers Association and Parrot Wranglers Academy:
Our Flock: Don't Worry Be Happy
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Republican Stupid Watch
Totally Fucking Stupid is Spelled: S A R A H P A L I N
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Training Your Parrot: Handling Macaw Beaks
Currently the Parrot Wranglers Academy offers an online specialization in Macaw Management. In the very near future, the Parrot Wranglers Academy also plans to offer online tracks in Cockatoo Coralling and African Grey Linguistics. But wait! There's more. With graduation from the Parrot Wranglers Academy, you are automatically enrolled in the International Parrot Wranglers Association. Stay tuned for more information.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Training Your Parrot To Wear A Halter
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Final Episode of The Parrot
Once our parrots discovered that the team mascot for the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team is a parrot, they became rabid Pittsburgh fans! GO PIRATES!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Feeding Parrots: Sunday Dinner
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Feeding Parrots: Sunday Brunch
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Our Flock: Our Newest Adoption: Tillie, the Timneh African Grey Parrot
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Training Your Parrot To Take A Bath: Splish Splash
Monday, May 18, 2009
Parrots Day Out at the Sunday Ballard Farmers Market
Another parrots day out at the Sunday Ballard Farmers Market with our Diva parrot Roxanne, and our Hyacinth macaw, Princess Tara:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Ballard Rain Forest: Arua, Our Congo African Grey
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Native American Indian Style Dream Catcher
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Parrot Still Life: Greenwing and Hyacinth Macaw Secondary Flight Feathers
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Training Your Parrot: Showing Wings
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ace of Spades: Deck of 54 War Criminal Playing Cards: George Dubya Bush

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Waking Up Canadian
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Our Flock: Our Guard Dog: Aboo

Aboo at the Ballard Farmers Market with a halter.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
It's Tough Being A Parrot: Part I
Aboo dropped a 24 and 1/2 inch long tail feather today.
He's making room for a new tail feather rapidly coming in.
Just check out the size of the sheath protecting the new feather. How'd you like to have something that size sticking out of your rear end? Aboo was extremely uncooperative when we helped him remove the sheath. It was like he was being murdered or something!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Ethiopian Coffee Ritual
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Training Your Parrot: Flying Upside Down
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Training Your Parrot: The Pageant Wave
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Kitty Hell When Birds Rule: In Memorium: Tao Tao and Ketchikan
Life in our home started out as paradise for Tao Tao. A tabby surrendered to the animal shelter by his original owner, Tao Tao arrived in our house first, before any of the birds. Tao Tao originally lived in a one bedroom apartment, and the look of utter amazement when he moved in with us was almost palpable. We had not just one room, but a living room, a kitchen, a couple of bedrooms. Then he discovered the basement with a den, couches, and even more rooms. Could life get any better?
Then we got Roxanne, our first bird. The day we brought Roxanne into the house, Tao Tao freaked out! Roxanne freaked out! I had to sit and hold Tao Tao in the living room for two days before he finally figured out that Roxanne wasn't going to eat him alive!
Tao Tao eventually got used to Roxanne's presence in the house. She pretty much stayed put on her stand, and Tao Tao stayed out of her way. But then we got Miss Bubba Boy, and life for Tao Tao went to hell in a hand basket! Bubba Boy wouldn't stay put on her stand. Bubba had been raised with a dog, Booker, and Bubba had been in the habit of chasing Booker around the house. So, guess what? This was not good. And then we got even more birds. All Tao Tao wanted to be was a big ole lap kitty, and it was tough being a big ole lap kitty when there were birds around bigger than the cat! Tao Tao often sat on the couch and snarled at the crows out in the yard. Occasionally he would snarl at one of our smaller birds.
Tao Tao died at the height of the tainted pet food scandel, and we don't doubt he was probably poisoned by the food he ate. We buried him in front of the picture window with his favorite toys.
Ketchikan was forever a feral cat. He was born under the neighbor's back deck and was literally a clone of his mother, Moonbeam. We called mom Moonbeam because for years she was nocturnal, and was never seen during daylight. In the last couple of years however, she's reversed the pattern and comes out during the daytime to eat the food we put out for her on our back porch. She's still completely feral and lives wild, but when you see her out lounging on the adirondack chair in the back yard, she looks like anybody's regular house cat! We trapped her once and had her fixed, so she doesn't produce any more litters of feral cats.
Moonbeam's first litter after we moved into our house apparently did not survive. Ketchikan was in the second (and last) litter. Ketchikan had a sibling which also did not survive. When we captured Moonbeam we also captured Ketchikan, and we kept him in the house. Both Tao Tao and Ketchikan were strictly house cats.
Ketchikan immediately bonded to Tao Tao and followed him all around the house. Tao Tao would eat first, and then Ketchikan would eat. Tao Tao would use the litter box, and then Ketchikan. I think it drove Tao Tao crazy sometimes to have a shadow. But if a stranger came into the house, Ketchikan disappeared. And Ketchikan would have nothing to do with us humans. Ketchikan only started sitting on the couch with yours truly after Tao Tao died. He only reluctantly finally started to accept petting. Ketchikan was lost without Tao Tao. More than anything, he probably died of a broken heart. We buried Ketchikan, and his favorite toys, with his old bud Tao Tao, and now they are off in kitty paradise snarling and chasing after birdies, the way things should be for a cat!
We miss our kitties, but it just wouldn't be fair to bring another cat into a bird house! And we still have Moonbeam running free outside!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Keeping an Eye on the 6 o'clock News
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Time to Frog March Karl Rove Into Jail!
On February 23, Karl Rove was supposed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee in accordance with a Congressional subpoena. But Rove didn't show up. Again.
Rove didn't show up last year when he was ordered to testify, because his old friend President Bush said that Rove's testimony was protected by executive privilege. Now that Bush is no longer in office, we may finally have an opportunity to learn the truth about his alleged misdeeds, from authorizing voter suppression tactics to orchestrating the arrest of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman.
But even though we have a new president, Karl Rove is still acting like he's entitled to all the privileges that came with his old job.
The Obama administration has the power to clarify that Rove no longer has access to the "executive privilege" line of defense — since the executive in question is no longer in office. If that happened, a judge would have a lot more power to compel Rove to comply with the subpoena, and we might finally begin to learn the truth about his activities.
Whig Redux
Whig (hwig, wig), n.
1. Amer. Hist.
b. a member of a political party (c1834–1855) that was formed in opposition to the Democratic party, and favored economic expansion and a high protective tariff, while opposing the strength of the presidency in relation to the legislature.
Whig Party (United States)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The party was ultimately destroyed by the question of whether to allow the expansion of slavery to the territories. With deep fissures in the party on this question, the anti-slavery faction successfully prevented the nomination of its own incumbent President Fillmore in the 1852 presidential election; instead, the party nominated General Winfield Scott, who was soundly defeated. Its leaders quit politics (as Lincoln did temporarily) or changed parties. The voter base defected to the Republican Party, various coalition parties in some states, and to the Democratic Party. By the 1856 presidential election, the party had lost its ability to maintain a national coalition of effective state parties and endorsed Millard Fillmore, now of the American Party, at its last national convention.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Joker: Deck of 54 War Criminal Playing Cards: Karl Christian Rove

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Crime and Punishment
This is a critically important piece of legislation — without it, we may never know the breadth of crimes committed by Bush Administration officials, what lengths they went to in order to dupe the public into a war that has cost thousands of lives, or how many innocent men and women have been kidnapped and tortured and denied due process in violation of both the Geneva Convention and our own Constitution. Additionally, the legislation would only cost $3 million — pocket change in the world of Congressional appropriations.
Americans deserve to know the truth about the Bush Administration's alleged crimes — and we need to make sure no president ever repeats them. We are hopeful about the future, but that does not mean we can afford not to be vigilant about our past.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Off With Their Heads: Deck of 54 War Criminal Playing Cards: The Queen of Spades: Dick (Darth) Cheney

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Our Flock: Bubba's Brood
We picked up a pine board crate at Ikea and stuck it in our walk-in closet with a bunch of old towels, shirts, and a derelict bathrobe. Miss Bubba Boy happily started chewing away. Within a month of acquiring her she's sitting on an egg! Are we surprised. Of course the egg wasn't fertile. We had no male macaw in the house at the time. Exactly three days (and 15 minutes) later she laid another. With clockwork precision she laid a third and fourth. Each exactly three days apart, give or take fifteen minutes. We could easily predict the time of the third and fourth egg. Were we relieved when a fifth did not appear!
Reading everything we could find about egg laying parrots, we decided to let her sit on the eggs, rather than take them away. This could simply have triggered another egg-laying episode, not a healthy thing for a parrot. And talk about a devoted mother! We brought her food and water. To ensure she got some exercise, we would take her to her cage in an adjacent room to do poopy, and let her run back to the nest. Can she run! Of course if I or any one of the cats came near the nest, look out! After a couple of weeks of sitting she would occasionally stroll out of the nest and wander about for a short time. After the third week, she would roll each egg in the order laid under the blanket and turn her attention to the remaining eggs. By the fourth week she gave up on the last egg and returned to her cage! We immediately took the crate out of the closet and out of sight!
For the next couple of years we deliberately prevented Miss Bubba Boy from trotting into closets and tearing up old shirts and blankets. She tried newspapers for awhile, but that didn't seem to be quite as satisfying. We breathed a sigh of relief when the next year passed by without any eggs, and another sigh of relief the following year. When the third year passed without any eggs we thought that maybe she was over it. But the old adage is true: Where there's a will, there's a way!
Miss Bubba Boy and her first clutch of eggs came to us in 2002. By 2006 she was ready for another. Remember, we deliberately kept her out of closets and away from clothes and blankets to chew up. So what does she do: She lays a clutch of three eggs on the bathroom mat next to the toilet! Again, with nearly the same precision as her original clutch. The only difference was, the clutch was three eggs instead of four, and the third egg came an hour early. Well, it made going to the bathroom a challenge for a month! Thankfully we have a second bathroom in the basement. Nearly three years later Miss Bubba Boy seems mellow and supremely serene. No additional eggs yet. We've got our fingers crossed, but. . . you never know!