Monday, July 30, 2012

All Things Zygodactyl!

Here at The Zen Parrot we are venturing into the realm of digital magazine publishing. We are thrilled to announce our new ezine All Things Zygodactyl which is all about parrots, of course (well, okay, woodpeckers too). We are experimenting with various ezine platforms with our premiere issue. Two platforms we are currently trying out are Zeen and Scoop.It. Click on the two links to see the current versions of All Things Zygodactyl.

The Zeen Version of All Things Zygodactyl

The Scoop.It Version of All Things Zygodactyl

We need your help. Let us know how you like the different formats, and which one you prefer. And if you know of any other ezine platforms we should try out please let us know as well.

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