Saturday, October 8, 2016

Parrots and Pastries

If you sell cannoli at an Italian bakery, then your name should be Milan, just like the Italian city. His is!

Parrots and pastries go together like, well, parrots and pasties. Turns out parrots love pastries as much as people do. And just like people, parrots should enjoy pastries in moderation. But an occasional treat is not a problem for our Hyacinth macaw parrot Princess Tara.

One of our favorite stops at Seattle's year around Sunday Ballard Farmers Market, in historic downtown Old Ballard, is West Seattle's Little Prague European Bakery. We stopped to watch Milan dishing out the delectable pastries to a steady stream of customers.

Of course, we couldn't resist. We had to grab a box of cannoli to die for. And did you know, the singular form of cannoli is cannolo? Yes it is. But rest assured, you can't eat just one!

Bon Appétit

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